Sunday, December 5, 2010

Blue Hubbard Squash

We smashed it!  It was a ceremonious event on Thanksgiving Day.  The whole gang went out in the street and we smashed it.  I appeared to be the only way to break into the darn thing after reading such scary reviews of carving the Hubbard. The most common way of getting into a Blue Hubbard Squash is smashing it in the driveway.  After doing this I must say, it really was not necessary.  It didn't seem any tougher than a pumpkin.  We could have carved it in a civilized fashion, but what would have been the fun in that?  My husband also gave it a little more air than maybe necessary, but again, there is the fun.  So here is how we spent half-time on Thanksgiving Day.

There were many more pieces than this after the bomb like explosion. I had to rinse it well as it had bits of gravel and dirt all through it.  Sigh.  The first batch of Hubbard squash I cooked was on Thanksgiving.  I just roasted cubes of it in olive oil, salt, pepper and a little brown sugar.  It was good, nothing great, kind of like all winter squashes.

It was almost artistic with the grey was against the bright orange.

After whittling away at it, this is the result.  Lots and lots of squash.  What to do with it all?  Everything I have read about the Hubbard says just cook it like any other winter squash, just cook a lot of it.  Think I'll make a pie, stay tuned.

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